Working in a hospital often means making personal sacrifices for the good of your community and other individuals. You work exhaustingly long shifts so that there are enough people on hand in the event of an emergency. You may even be on call sometimes on your days...

Month: September 2022
What if your employer has no workers’ comp insurance?
As a worker in California, you might know your basic rights, such as receiving workers’ compensation benefits if you are injured on the job. However, do you know what happens if your employer doesn’t have this coverage? Unfortunately, this is a scenario that is too...
Common mistakes people make with workers’ compensation claims
If you are injured at work, you likely want to file a claim through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. While designed to help workers avoid personal financial consequences for workplace injuries, it is not as guaranteed as you might think. Each year...
3 things to know after a workplace injury in California
Hundreds of thousands of workers are injured in the line of duty every year. While a good number of these cases are deserving of workers' compensation benefits, not all affected workers get to enjoy them. Victims are often unaware of what they need to do to claim...